
Camino de San Salvador

To end of camino

La Seca




La Robla

The Road

In Cascantes the camino crosses the main road and follows a paved side road into and through the town. At the end, it rejoins the main road to La Robla. At the entrance to town is the Chapel of Celada, and beyond that a large power plant. You will pass through a tunnel and then over the railway on a elevated bridge before getting to the heart of town.

NOTE: There is an alternative route at the end of Cascantes which is signed Por Llanos de Alba. This alternative bypasses the entrance to town and with that much of the busy road walking and takes you directly to the municipal albergue in La Robla.

City Map


All Caminos App User (not verified)

So the alternative route has now been… re-routed from what is listed on Ender’s and Gronze. It is well marked and mostly flat, but be aware that this now adds quite a lot more than 1km - still probably preferable for many than taking the road. There is an overpass for the main road arriving in La Robla - then follow the Albergue markings and don’t make my mistake of trying to go through the center.

Camino de Sant… (not verified)

The alternative route adds 1km to La Robla and is well marked on quiet paths, senda and quiet paved roads.

Camino de Sant… (not verified)

Bar in Cascantes is closed and didn’t look as though it had been open recently. Was thankful we stopped in La Seca.

Camino de Sant… (not verified)

Alternate “Por Llanos de Alba” route adds 1km and avoids road walking. It is well marked and easy to follow.

Camino de Sant… (not verified)

Bar here looks as though it is closed permanently. Was thankful we stopped in La Seca.

Camino de Sant… (not verified)

Water fountain in middle of town - potable and used by townspeople.