
Camino del Norte

To end of camino

El Puntal





Bus Terminal
Medical Center

Santoña is surrounded by the Cantabrian Sea on three sides, and has a mountain on the fourth; so it is no wonder that the economy here is much to do about fishing, canning, and seafaring. From the docks and the monument to Juan de la Cosa, it is a straight path through town. The Iglesia de Santa María del Puerto is not on the camino proper but does merit a visit.


The Iglesia de Santa María del Puerto, which dates from the 13th century, was built in the same location as an earlier 8th century Benedictine Monastery which itself is rumored to have been built at the location of a church founded by Santiago himself in the year 37.

The monument at the port is dedicated to the most important cartographer of the 15th century, one Juan de la Cosa. His name probably doesn’t ring a bell, but here is a guy that the textbooks forgot to tell you about. He is credited with having created the first map of the Americas (a piece commissioned by the Catholic Monarchs), and the only one ever to be created by someone who witnessed first hand the first voyage of Columbus. Juan was the captain and the owner of the Santa María.

Five centuries after Juan de la Cosa left Santoña for the new world by ship, his 20th century counterpart returned by sea plane. Charles Lindbergh landed Albatros off shore in 1933, forced down by the weather while en route to Lisbon. The town spared no expense to accommodate he and his wife.

The Road

From the ferry terminal, with your back to the water, walk straight into the city. You will pass through the Plaza San Antonio and then the large Manzanedo Park. Keep going straight when you get to the first roundabout (bus terminal here) and at the next one do the same; you are looking for the least busy northbound road. From this roundabout, it is a straight path to Berria. At the entrance to town is the high-walled El Dueso prison.

City Map


All Caminos App User (not verified)

It’s worth making time to walk to the Faro del Cabello (Horse Lighthouse) from Santona, steps down to the lighthouse are steep and narrow, its often foggy in colder months, there’s also a circular walk around the mountain.

All Caminos App User (not verified)

The youth hostel not only serves pilgrims but is a community center for sports hit the youth of the town, it is a happening place. There were games going on in the gym until late. There used to be no food so Kuching sure you bring something to eat for meals.

All Caminos App User (not verified)

It took us forever to figure out that the ferry pulls up on the beach to off load and on load customers. Just walk out through the sand to the edge of the water to catch the ferry.

All Caminos App User (not verified)

This hostel is very well kept and the hosts are great, 30 euro for a single.

Camino de Sant… (not verified)

I choose to take the ferry to Santoña instead of staying in Laredo. I am so happy I did that.
Laredo is big, crawded and noisy. Santoña is smaller and have a lovely energy. The center have a lot of bars and restaurants. A very nice stay at a hotel.

Camino de Sant…

The place is clean and nice, it costed me 35 euro, the people nice. I had a lovely shower after hours on the road. Tube, lots of hot water free drinking water refridgerator and micro. I felt blessed. God is good.

Camino de Sant…

The place is Alojamiento Miramar