Granja de Moreruela to Sanabrés Route
Via de la Plata
Camino Sanabrés
From Granja de Moreruela you can follow the Camino Sanabrés (follows from below) a total of 366km to Santiago, or you can follow the Vía de la Plata to Astorga 93.8km and from there follow the Camino Francés the remaining 256.9km. A description of the route to Astorga continues on page 98 but this guide does not include the stretch from Astorga to Santiago.
The Camino Sanabrés turns left and due west from Granja. It follows farm tracks to reach the Puente Quintos (6.7km) over the Río Esla.
Once over the bridge, the river splits into two distinct routes to get to Faramontanos de Tábara. The right route follows the road and is preferred when rains have been heavy. Follow the road to the first paved left turn to descend and rejoin the left route. The left route turns left at the end of the bridge to follow a more scenic trail along the river.