Ermita de San Nicolás

Camino Frances

To end of camino

Alto de Mostelares


Ermita de San Nicolás


Itero de la Vega

Die Ermita de San Nicolás, wie die Ruinen von San Anton vor Castrojeriz, hat eine lange Geschichte der Betreuung von Pilgern. Beide stehen weitab von den Städten und werden daher nicht unbedingt so viel besucht, wie sie es verdienen. Vielleicht ist das auch gut so, denn die Pilger bezeichnen sie oft als die denkwürdigsten Albergues entlang des Weges.

The Road

Jenseits der Ermita befindet sich die Puente Fitero, die dich über den gleichnamigen Fluss nach Palencia führt.

City Map


All Caminos App User (não verificado)

Please stay at this Alburgue if spiritual experiences are in you list.
What an amazing two Italian gentlemen caring for us. From washing our feet, giving us a special blessing and sitting down with us for a special meal this is one of my Canino experiences I will treasure forever!

All Caminos App User (não verificado)

From the moment I walked into the beautiful monastery I felt like I was home . The welcome was so warm and friendly, felt so grateful they still had a bed . The beautiful Hospitaliers genuinely cared about us all and really wanted us to have a great evening. The meal was delicious , good wine . This Monastery is not for everyone, there is only electricity in the outside bathrooms, so if leaving the Albergue at night to go to the bathroom would be difficult, please be aware . If you are concerned about a leaf or two I your bedroom then maybe this wouldn’t suit you . If you need more than candlelight to be comfortable, then this isn’t the right place either .

All Caminos App User (não verificado)

Very special place,,good diner, good energy,and traditional feet cleaning.

Camino de Sant… (não verificado)

I had one of my best experiences in the Camino so far and I started in SJPP. The moon woman who greeted me so friendly and gracious. They offered me a cup of coffee immediately. I wasn’t planning on staying, but they were so friendly but I decided this is where I wanted to stay the evening. They fed me two meals and everything in the candle light just seemed magical. The meals were simple but beautiful… And it was plenty of red wine.  call Hilder is no electricity in the Elberg itself, the shower area has plenty of natural light and hot water. If you ask, there is a place to charge your phones in the kitchen in the back building. They had a touching foot washing ceremony in the evening before dinner and pilgrims blessing as you walked out in the morning. Definitely one of the highlights of my Camino so far.

They do not speak much English, so it is helpful if you speak Spanish. After all, we are in Spain. Don’t be offended if there is a language barrier.

Camino de Sant…

Only 11 beds. No electricity, so once the candles go out it’s bedtime. I loved watching the bats flying around the albergue. One of the most Camino experiences on the Camino