
Camino Frances

To end of camino






Il cammino

Il cammino vi farà presto intravedere Portomarín. Passerete attraverso Vilachá, prima di iniziare una discesa piuttosto ripida nella valle del Río Miño, e infine oltrepassare il moderno ponte di Portomarín.

Per raggiungere il centro del paese si attraversa il ponte nuovo. Il ponte vecchio, invece, passa la maggior parte del tempo immerso nel fiume sottostante, ma verso la fine dell’estate, all’abbassarsi del livello dell’acqua, riemerge. Una volta in cima alle scale, attraversate la piccola cappella e sarete in città. C’è ancora un po’ di salita.


Camino de Sant… (not verified)

About 1-1.5km before Portomarin there is a choice of paths; the standard Camino and the old route. We chose the standard Camino and while it was fine on a sunny day the steep section is seriously steep and difficult, so I wouldn't want to do it during or shortly after rain.

Camino de Sant… (not verified)

There is a beautiful little cafe in Vilacha with a lovely flowered terrace/garden hidden away off the road. The kind owner makes fresh smoothies and juices along with heartier food. Worth planning a stop.

Camino de Sant…

There are signs for several km about a vegetarian bar, but it was closed when I walked past. Looked new.

Camino de Sant…

The price for 2021 is 13€ for a bed and 40€ for the private room

Camino de Sant…

If you feel like you can’t make it anymore to Portomarin, fear not! There is a albergue in Vilacha. It’s new, so everything is shiny and clean!

Camino de Sant…

I lost my pack cover while crossing the long bridge into Portomarin on a windy day. The wind RIPS up the river! Be sure to buckle everything down . There is a store in Portomarin that sells pack covers!!