Scenic view of Buspol on the Camino Primitivo

Camino Primitivo App

Le même contenu formidable et plus dans votre poche, le guide le plus récent pour le Camino Primitivo disponible.

Wise Pilgrim APP

La Capilla de Santa Marina de Buspol est la seule chose digne d'intérêt à Buspol. Ici, le temps est fréquemment enveloppé d'une brume pluvieuse qui obscurcit les vues sur l'embalse (réservoir) en contrebas.


Au virage serré de la route de Buspol, le camino quitte enfin la route au profit d'un chemin de montagne.

NOTE:  Il est presque entièrement en descente jusqu'au barrage du réservoir, une descente de plus de 750m et souvent très raide. De plus, le sentier croise plusieurs autres pistes de montagne, regarde attentivement les flèches et évite la tentation de raccourcir les lacets.

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... commentaires de pèlerins utilisant l'application Wise Pilgrim

31. July 2022

Virtually no shade

After Buspol and the stone wall ends, you’re on a mountain track/forestry road that switchbacks down the mountain. However most of the trees have gone - a forest fire in 2017 perhaps - so there is no shade for most of the day. However, once you pass a large stone outcrop that provides decent shade you’re about 100m from a very nice shaded walk to the dam. The first overlook, through a metal gate on the right side of the road, is worth visiting for a view of the incredible hydroelectric structure, and the remains of the construction village on the opposite bank. The dam architecture is very 50’s modernism. Look back at the viewing platform when you’re standing on the dam. You can almost imagine it’s a flying saucer embedded in the rock!

10. May 2022

Head out of the ruins in

Head out of the ruins in Buspol by following the stone wall. At the end of the wall is a gate. If it’s closed, go through the gate and circumnavigate the grazing cows, missing their cow patties as you step. A Camino marker will show you the way from there.